![gunroom.digital dashboard](https://images.gunroom.digital/assets/image/about_logo.jpg)
RFD Register
We have been working hard at Gunroom.Digital HQ to bring you the very finest RFD register.
We have taken feedback from a vast array of RFDs to find the pain points they have and compiled a fully fledged RFD register system which is now live!
![gunroom.digital dashboard](https://images.gunroom.digital/assets/image/about_logo.jpg)
Don't need a new register?
No problem, you can still use Gunroom.Digital to advertise your guns and keep your exisiting register.
We have a powerful automated upload system that can connect to your website, EPOS or even an excel spreadsheet that can automatically upload all your guns & items into Gunroom.Digitals platform. This includes any meta data on your items and any media assets such as photos or videos.